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By lawoffices57054408, Aug 31 2016 02:35PM

Here is the mission of The Alliance Legal Group:

"To operate a Christ-centered law practice, emphasizing and relying on biblical principles in order to effectively and efficiently serve the legal and spiritual needs of our clients, community, and employees, and to support His perfect will."

As you can see by our website, we boldly and unashamedly declare that we are a Christian law firm. This decision was made over 15 years ago when Attorney Steve Taylor received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. At that time he resolved that he would transform his secular law office into a Christian one and not hesitate to tell others about it. One of his first moves was to hire a fulltime, vocational minister to fill the role of office chaplain so that both clients and employees might have opportunities to attend Bible studies and prayer sessions.

As the current office chaplain, I would like to delineate some of our distinctives as a Christian law firm and then clear up some misconceptions. Should you decide to avail yourself of our services, you will have a good idea of what to expect. Part of my reason for this is my suspicion that some people might believe these two notions—“Christian” and “law firm”—are incompatible.

In some respects it is highly risky to announce to the community that we are a Christ-centered law firm, because in so doing we are setting very high standards for ourselves, not to mention the possible misunderstandings that might arise. No matter. We willingly face this risk because we do take our Christian faith seriously, and although we may not always fulfill our calling to every client’s complete satisfaction, we do desire to offer our clients something more than just legal assistance. In fact in many cases the client is struggling with other painful realities that accompany the legal issue, whether it is the pain of divorce, the anxiety of bankruptcy, the fear of facing a fine or worse--the point is this: should you decide to visit us, we believe you will not only receive competent and conscientious legal assistance, but also spiritual guidance and encouragement should you desire it.

First, we want to make it very clear that not everyone who works for our office is a Christian. It has never been a condition for employment, nor should it be. What it does mean, however, is that the primary leaders of the law firm are Christians. Indeed the great majority of our employees are Christians and do not hesitate to say so.

Second, should you come to one of our offices, expect to receive competent legal assistance and advice from a firm that cares for you personally. If we fail to measure up to these standards, we will do what we can to make things right. Please remember that just because we answer to the Lord, does not mean we are flawless. But it does mean we do strive to meet His standards.

Third, do not be surprised if our attorneys open your meeting in prayer. And if you come to our office with prayer concerns, please let us know. We really do pray for our clients and their situations. We have office prayer meetings every morning, Monday through Thursday, where your requests are confidentially brought before the Lord.

The idea of a Christian law firm in this day and age is undergirded by the reality of the Kingdom of God as vibrant, active, and advancing in this world to call people out of darkness into His light. For this reason, our law firm is not just a business, but a vision.

By lawoffices57054408, Jul 8 2016 03:54PM

As people drive by our office, they will notice that we have two flags flying on the same pole, and the Christian flag is above the American flag. This is upsetting to a few people, especially veterans. We understand the reason for this initial reaction on the part of some, but here is a list of reasons for this arrangement:

1. The United States of America is deeply rooted in the Judeo-Christian worldview.

2. Inalienable rights come from God the Creator, not the civil government.

3. The Founding Fathers were well grounded in a knowledge of the Bible and its heritage, as reflected in their correspondence and writings.

4. The Kingdom of God is an eternal kingdom, one that wil never pass away--human governments are temporary.

5. Our very pledge incorporates the phrase, "One Nation under God."

6. Our currency is stamped with the expression, "In God We Trust."

7. The freedoms of religion and conscience constitute the foundation of all other freedoms.

We must understand that the flags are intrinsicially pieces of cloth. Their value is what they symbolize.

Right now, our Federal government, which the US Flag symbolizes at least in part, reeks of lawlessness and anarchy. Our governmental leaders think they are above the law. The majority of our Supreme Court Justices merely "invent" or "shape" law to suit the times and their ideology. Sexual anarchy and autonomy are favored over freedom of religion and conscience. The lives of unborn children are meaningless. Our military is losing its fighting edge over issues of transgender and gender neutrality. A school age girl must now face the possibility of finding a boy in her restroom or locker room; a woman in a dressing room might find a man there. And tragically, a huge percentage of the electorate is blind to the dangers we are facing (consider who's been president the last eight years!).

The Christian flag, on the other hand, symbolizes truth, leading to freedom. As Jesus declared, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). The gift of life and freedom originate in the Creator alone. His laws are transcendent and absolute. Any nation that breaks these laws destroys itself.

In light of all this, I genuinely hope that those who are upset over the way our flags are flown will pause and consider: which is more disturbing, the way these flags are displayed, or the rapid moral and societal collapse of our country along with the abandonment of its founding principles? We affirm without apology that unless America returns to God, there will be no American flag to fly!

By lawoffices57054408, Jun 10 2016 06:22PM

As a Christian law firm, we believe in the existence of Almighty God who has made Himself known in creation, history, the Scriptures, and above all, His Son. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and is currently directing the course of history toward a purposeful conclusion for our good and His glory.


This conviction governs the way we practice law to such an extent that we consider every person who walks through our doors in need of legal assistance as someone very special in the eyes of God. It means that we are not here just to deal with legal problems and crises, as important and pressing as they are. More often than not, the legal issues are only part of larger battles and conflicts in the individual's life, including, above all, spiritual ones.


Such individuals, our clients, need to know that our desire is to seek divine assistance on their behalf. God alone is fully capable of stepping in and helping in times of crisis. For this reason, when one of our attorneys or staff opens an appointment with prayer, some of our newer clients are utterly surprised (most, however, truly appreciate it).


How many other law firms do this? Unfortunately, spiritual things are often relegated to church, synagogue, or home, but the reality is that God actively involves Himself in every aspect of life, including law. Personally, I think it gives us a great advantage over other law firms where God is hardly given a moment's thought.


And so when you are looking for legal advocacy, please understand that we regularly appeal to our Advocate in heaven on behalf of our clients so that we might receive His power and wisdom for our work. As our mission statement goes, we are here to serve the legal and spiritual needs of our clients. This is something that makes us very, very unique.


Chaplain Don Mills

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