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Our Inaugural Post

By lawoffices57054408, Jun 10 2016 06:22PM

As a Christian law firm, we believe in the existence of Almighty God who has made Himself known in creation, history, the Scriptures, and above all, His Son. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and is currently directing the course of history toward a purposeful conclusion for our good and His glory.


This conviction governs the way we practice law to such an extent that we consider every person who walks through our doors in need of legal assistance as someone very special in the eyes of God. It means that we are not here just to deal with legal problems and crises, as important and pressing as they are. More often than not, the legal issues are only part of larger battles and conflicts in the individual's life, including, above all, spiritual ones.


Such individuals, our clients, need to know that our desire is to seek divine assistance on their behalf. God alone is fully capable of stepping in and helping in times of crisis. For this reason, when one of our attorneys or staff opens an appointment with prayer, some of our newer clients are utterly surprised (most, however, truly appreciate it).


How many other law firms do this? Unfortunately, spiritual things are often relegated to church, synagogue, or home, but the reality is that God actively involves Himself in every aspect of life, including law. Personally, I think it gives us a great advantage over other law firms where God is hardly given a moment's thought.


And so when you are looking for legal advocacy, please understand that we regularly appeal to our Advocate in heaven on behalf of our clients so that we might receive His power and wisdom for our work. As our mission statement goes, we are here to serve the legal and spiritual needs of our clients. This is something that makes us very, very unique.


Chaplain Don Mills

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